Friday, May 7, 2010

The first step

We all want things in our life. We all have desires, aspirations, dreams and ambitions but how do we get what we really want? Is there a roadmap or plan to take us there? And if there is, what's the first step?

I think the first step to getting everything you want in your life, all the freedom, independence, love, adventure, happiness and joy comes when you answer one simple question:

          How do you want to feel?

How do you want to feel?

It sounds so simple and straightforward but I'll bet many of you have never really asked yourself that question.

So do it now. Ask yourself: "how do i want to feel?"

And when you answer, don't give an intellectual answer, don't answer with your mind. Answer with your inner being, your soul, your higher power, whatever you want to call it.