Thursday, March 22, 2012

Continuous Intersection

I think deep down we are all looking for this. ...precious when it's found, don't you think?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Part of Being Awesome is Having Fun

A friend sent me this. Thought I'd share and remind myself that being awesome shouldn't be all serious.

Love this picture. I would add a "mu-ha-ha"!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Make it easy!

I sent this to a friend of mine a few days ago. She had been in an abusive relationship for a long time. She summoned up the courage to break the ties and get out but the shards of that relationship still lived on in her, like wounds that wouldn't heal. The pain wasn't there all the time. She knew the truth about how amazing life could be and she knew what she wanted - most of the time - but still, a decade or more of conditioning made it hard for her to live the life she'd always imagined for herself.
We all live with that conflict within us, to some degree, don't we? How then to deal with it?

Here, pretty much verbatim, is my email to her:

 You are already awesome. You can turn on awesomeness in a heartbeat! Do it and stay that way!


Hmm. On second thought I don’t agree with this one at all.  I think I added it because on the surface it looked good. Wow, is it wrong!

“Easy” is up to you. If you think it will be hard, it will definitely be hard(er).

I used to believe that all the time: “life is really hard! how will I do this? I’ll never <insert random thing I want to do here>”. I made it hard because the messages I sent myself were that it was hard. It’s mental conditioning but it’s not rocket science.It works at the most basic level. Look at it this way: tell yourself, “this task is hard”. Say that over and over and over again. Make it your dominant message. Think of nothing but how hard this is going to be. Do you think it will be hard? Do you think you’ll actually complete the task?

Now reverse it: “this will be easy”. Make that your dominant message. Say it over and over again. And believe it! Think of nothing but about how easy this is going to be. Which mindset is likely to give you the results you want?

You know this. Deep down you’ve always known it. You were taken out of your groove by someone who doesn’t get it. You see his negativity and you respond to it because you’ve conditioned yourself to do it. But honestly, it’s not your fault. How long have you been with him? How often have you subjugated the real "you", to keep the peace, to avoid conflicts, to “get along”?

You’ve changed, grown and learned while he’s regressed. Think about ‘growth’ for a moment. If you’ve grown, you’re bigger, more powerful, stronger. (I don’t mean physically, but in other ways, although it could be a physical transformation too. :-) Now use that growth. Think of it as power and strength. Mental, emotional. And bring that power to bear. Use it to lift yourself out of sadness. And make it a habit. It’s like reps in the gym. The more you repeat something, the more it becomes a conditioned response. Soon it will be second nature. And the more you do it, the stronger you become! Feel sad? Boom! You can change it to “amazing” in a heartbeat!
And stop worrying.:-)


Friday, August 26, 2011

Stand By Me

We are all connected. Nothing seems to evoke that thought like this video.

Stand By Me is usually attributed to Ben E. King, but it was co-authored by Jerry Leiber, who died this week. I thought the timing was appropriate.

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around The World from Concord Music Group on Vimeo.


Friday, May 7, 2010

The first step

We all want things in our life. We all have desires, aspirations, dreams and ambitions but how do we get what we really want? Is there a roadmap or plan to take us there? And if there is, what's the first step?

I think the first step to getting everything you want in your life, all the freedom, independence, love, adventure, happiness and joy comes when you answer one simple question:

          How do you want to feel?

How do you want to feel?

It sounds so simple and straightforward but I'll bet many of you have never really asked yourself that question.

So do it now. Ask yourself: "how do i want to feel?"

And when you answer, don't give an intellectual answer, don't answer with your mind. Answer with your inner being, your soul, your higher power, whatever you want to call it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Fate

You make your own fate - all of it, from the micro to the macro. You impel the visions created in your mind towards you.

The speed at which your reality is created is based on three things:

  1. how you feel
  2. how much you believe
  3. how much you can control your thoughts
If you can do these three things: feel great and amazing about yourself and your current  reality, believe deeply and passionately that your future has already arrived, and think only good thoughts, you will make all of your dreams come true at warp speed.

It happens to me all the time. Yesterday I decided I wanted something in my life that had eluded me up until now. It was based on a thought that my partner put but had never discussed with me. We talked. And so the the impulse to create this was born. But to bring this about we needed a certain person back in our life.

And it just came about. It came about because I felt good about it, I knew it would happen very soon and I controlled all my thinking to make it happen. So when that person connected with me, I wasn't surprised in the least. It wasn't that I "predicted" it, I just knew and believed that it was already a reality, and voila!